There have been a lot of moments over the past month or so that have felt strange—”returning” to work in my living room, wearing a mask to the grocery store, realizing I could unpack the extra clothes in Will’s diaper bag because we never take him anywhere… but I hadn’t really felt sad about what we were missing until this weekend. Since I was just coming out of maternity leave and living that newborn-mom life, we didn’t have much on our calendar this spring. But I was sad on Easter when the grandparents came over and stood in the parkway to watch while Alice did her Easter egg hunt in the front yard. I had gotten the kids all dressed up because it felt weird not to, and then we just went back inside, put our quarantine clothes back on, and went about our lives in our house. We are so lucky in the grand scheme of things and I know that, but I kept thinking about how Will is never going to be this little again and his grandmas are missing out on getting to hold him. Stuff like that.
But Alice was very cute! She and I dyed eggs on Saturday (something we usually do with my mom) and she got way too much candy in her Easter basket, so she has been very happy and sugared up. Hopefully we’ll be able to celebrate with our extended family next year!
So proud of her eggs!
Photo is a little grainy because Grandma used the zoom on her phone to keep herself social distanced